George Brocklehurst writing code from the ramparts of Fort Clonque. Photo by James Aylett.
George Brocklehurst writing code from the ramparts of Fort Clonque. Photo by James Aylett.

/dev/fort 7

Blizzards, rough sea and habits: /dev/fort returns to Alderney

It's not every holiday that you get stuck in a storm and wind up stranded on an island in the English Channel for several days, wondering when you'll get a seat on the only plane out.

But then /dev/fort is never an ordinary holiday, and although the cold and the delay, and the horizontal snow, were trying we also built something a little different. A web tool to help you build habits.

Getting started with Be Habitual.
Getting started with Be Habitual.

It also contains a hidden feature because over the course of the week it became harder and harder to distinguish between the words "habit" and "hobbit".