Nothing is ever finished. But this is mostly final.
They say you should write what you know, so maybe we should build what we know too? Mike West had a problem coordinating team members in different offices around the evolution and implementation of screen designs. That seemed like a fun problem, so we ran with it.

This was the smallest fort team we'd had so far, with only eight of us covering product, design, and all coding. We were still able to make a complete working site, including for the first time reasonable test coverage, because David Thompson decided we should. (This experience has contributed to a number of us strongly believing that it is almost never true that writing tests slows you down.)

There are now a few commercial offerings that cover this space, and although a few of us have used it, there wasn't enough general interest to keep it up to date with security fixes, so Mostly Final is now offline. Annoyingly, the subversion code repository can't be trivially converted to git, so although we're happy for people to see what we've built you'd currently have to ask one of us directly. Sorry about that.